Casewatch- Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd

Product Description
CaseWatch is uniquely designed to be a one-stop solution for all your litigation woes. With a searchable interface across offerings, CaseWatch offers seamless integration of all information required by you to help you track your cases and run litigation record checks by leveraging technology. Search pending and decided cases across all Courts of India:
• District Courts
• Tribunals
• High Courts
• Supreme Court
Case Watch is a Case Alert service which helps you monitor the activity of cases in the Indian Court System (10000 courts in India) . Add the case number for the respective court and sit back, while Case Watch tracks your Cases and sends you an Email Alert for the next date of hearing, or notifies you when an Order has been uploaded. This means that you stay on top of the information pertaining to your case without having to search each time. Manage your workflow with personalized cause list, display board, a To Do List and much more.
Major Customer Segment
Lawyers, Law Firms and Corporate Legal Teams